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Going Green

4/19/2011 09:07:00 PM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category :

So in a couple of days it will be earth day.....so lets talk green...such a trendy term now days.  So it may not be that unique to say but I'm becoming a little bit more like Elphaba (Wicked fans anyone?).  Yep, Lisa Bell Photography is going green.  First, let me tell you what I'm doing to "go green."  The new lab that I am using is environmentally conscience.  The lab's energy use is “neutral”.  All greenhouse gases produced to power the facility will be offset by forestry programs, livestock manure management, and landfill gas management to remove their carbon footprint.  They offer green paper in the press printed products...some of which is 100% recycled and 100% wind generated.  I will use the green paper choice whenever possible.  I will still use my current lab for products not offered by the new one....such as acrylic prints and metal prints.   The packaging I will be using also contains recycled content.   The album company that I will begin using also has similar policies.  All of the paper that will be used for my business has recycled content...and the plan is I'll be using less of it too. Paper that comes into the office is recycled.  Some things go along with what Jeff and I do normally anyway...the recycling, using environmentally friendly products (household too), being conscience about our energy usage, and understanding the where, how, whats of how the products (food is a biggie) were produced/grown.  We're even planning on a Prius for our next vehicle....as long as it's not filled with radiation....don't get me started on the nuclear crisis.
There is a growing market for green businesses.  Some brides have green weddings, some folks look for places that will give them the choice of a green option.  At this time I'm not green certified, and I don't know if I'll ever go that route.  I will make every effort possible to choose the option that first, is best for the client's needs, and second, that is the best for the environment. 
Now for you naysayers....I understand that some people think that being green is a waste....I get that not everyone believes that our planet is in crisis.  This is what I think:  Whether or not you believe in global warming, one thing is clear, humans have damaged this planet....I'm sure the industrial revolution was the big turning point.  We create a lot of waste, we pumped toxic stuff into the air, into the water, into the ground.  We use, and use, and use, and don't give back.  We take down areas full of nature to build yet another strip mall.  The way we farm the land is destroying the dirt, which causes the food to be inferior, and causes us to be sick.  It's very easy to live our lives, not think about it, and bask in the convenience of it all.  The truth is it not only damages the environment of the earth, but it is also damaging us.  I am not a "mother earth" person.  I am a Christian.  I believe that God created this planet we live on (along with everything else).  I believe we are not being good stewards of the earth He created.  I want to do what I can to take care what we are supposed to take care of. 
I know it's not always an easy road to take, nor is it a cheap one.  However, if everyone decided to do what was truly good for the earth, they would also do something that would eventually be good for humans.  There are a few movies/documentaries out there that are great to watch to start learning a little bit more about our impact on the planet.  I will say that most of them are centered on food....but that, to me, is extremely important because we put it in our bodies, do we really want to consume bad things?  Also, take any evolutionary, mother earthy stuff with a grain of salt....I told you what I believe....don't know what you believe, but I want to make it clear that just because someone doesn't believe the same as you or I doesn't make every point they make invalid.  Here are some great movies to watch:  Food Matters....food can heal us....if it's the right food.  Dirt!....this shows what industrial farming is doing to the earth, and shows some things that can be done to help.  No Impact Man....this is about a writer and his family who decided to try live extremely green for a year....like no electricity (a little solar), no transportation that wasn't powered by them, even no toilet paper.  Now I don't believe I want to go to those extremes, but still there are some good tips....like eating for the seasons.  So watch them...I hope you get something out of them.