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Bummin' it

6/01/2011 09:25:00 PM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category : ,

I love the names!  Bumgenius, Econobum, Flip, Fuzzibunz, Happy Heinys...the list goes on.  We're talking cloth diapers, people.  They've come a long way over the years.  I have several friends that have gone the cloth diaper route, and I wished I had the guts to do it.  Soon after Ada joined us we noticed her diapers had a chemical smell, which rubbed us the wrong way.  Still, we kept on using the disposable, not wanting to giving up the convenience.  A couple of Fridays ago we wandered in the Natural Baby store downtown, and I noticed their cloth diaper display.  Curious, we talked to the clerk, who also uses them on her daughter.  My biggest worry was the whole laundry thing....I'm not a fan of laundry.  After talking it over, and asking a few friends some questions, we decided to get a couple to try it out.  Honestly, our reason wasn't so much the environmentally green reasons, but rather the economical green that pushed us over the edge.  There are a lot of reasons to give it a go.  Disposable diapers generate a lot of waste, some studies show that the gel that absorb the liquid can cause asthma-among other things, diaper rash is less, they are TONS cuter, and they save money....that's only a handful.  We decided on the Bumgenius brand, and the one size velcro model...fits 7lbs to 35lbs.  The upfront cost can be a little overwhelming, but in the long run you will save money...for the first child, and especially for any after that.  After trying out the two for a few days, we decided that cloth diapers were too good to pass up.  I tried my hand at getting some on ebay...there are deals to be had, but I was comparing any deals there with the deal that ended yesterday of buy 5 get one free.  The auctions that I bid for went for over what I could get new ones for, so back downtown we went.  I'm excited about this new way to diaper.  Ada wore cloth all day today on that cute little hiney of hers, and so far so good!