About Albums.
Back in the dark ages, before facebook, instagram, and digital, there was a thing called film. In order to see your pictures you had to print them (What? craziness you say! Nope, true story.). It doesn't seem that long ago when moms carried brag books and news brides took their wedding albums with them to show for a few weeks after getting it back. My mom's wedding albums consisted of about 25 8x10s. My two best friends got an album with 4x5s and 4x6s. Things have come a long way baby! Not only are images projected around the world through social media, but albums are works of art. To see your wedding day laid out in a storybook held in your hands is way better than any facebook album could be!
The album company I use (Finao) is a green company. The do everything they can to be responsible and sustainable.