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Elephantshoe revisited-tiles

4/18/2011 09:28:00 AM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category :

April 19, 1995...Does that date ring a bell?  Perhaps it does...maybe you know what happened that day right away, maybe it takes a few minutes, or it becomes obvious as soon as you hear it, or maybe you have absolutely no idea.  That was the day the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was bombed.  Before September 11th it was the most destructive act of terrorism on American soil.  The image of the firefighter carrying the baby sticks in my mind from that event.  The summer of 2002 (I think that year), I went on a mission trip with the team from Lake Russell to the Navajo Nation.  As we traveled across the country we rarely stopped, and the OKC memorial was one of the places we stopped.  It really is a nicely done memorial.  There are so many elements that make up the memorial.  This tile wall is a small piece.  The wall makes up part of the Children's area.  The tiles were painted by children and sent to Oklahoma City in 1995.  In front of the wall is an area with bucket of sidewalk chalk so kids who visit can continue to share their feelings.