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Today I cancelled my PPA membership...

11/06/2014 02:35:00 PM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category :

Today I cancelled my PPA membership.  It makes me sad.  I haven't really done anything professional in over two years.  When Ada was a baby, I was very torn over missing any of the firsts that she would be having in those first couple of years.  I had thought that as she reached about two that I would sort of revamp, and get back into photography more vigilantly.  Then Jeff got sick..really sick, and there was no way I could take care of all the duties needed in our household, and do photography.  Although, Jeff is better than is has been, there are still things he can't do that I have to take on.   (As I sit here trying to blog something coherent, Ada is singing to the top of her lungs right beside me, breaking all concentration.)   Photography, if you don't know, is a TON of work.  It's not just hitting a button on a camera every now and then.  It's session planning, scouting locations, coming up with new ideas for sessions, gathering props, meeting clients, marketing to possible clients, marketing to current clients, help with styling, posing, lighting, culling images, editing, editing, editing, posting on every social media outlet, posting on a viewing site, emailing, messaging, ordering, packaging, doing layouts for albums, answering email/messages, taking calls, returning calls, photographer's education, workshops, conferences, expos, continuing education classes, meeting photographers, chatting with photographers, critiques with photographers, reading photography magazines, blogs, posts, keeping up with industry trends, following industry news, learning new products, learning new techniques (in shooting, lighting, editing--on multiple programs), keeping up with new software, keeping up with all the actions to go with new software, keeping up with all social media, posting something in various social media outlets (often/daily), keeping your website up to date, knowing how to build/edit your site, blogging, getting permits/permission to shoot in certain areas, client education, maintenance on equipment, about twenty thousand other things, and then actually taking the pictures (with the right exposure, crop, focus, etc.).  During my hiatus the last couple of years, I've sort of lost my passion for it all.  That's sad to admit because I love photography.  I like looking at good photography.  I still enjoy shooting.  I still get excited to think about taking that perfect photo.  However, I have lost the passion for the rest that comes with running a true professional photography business.  I'm just not willing to devote the time and energy it takes, and the truth is, as of this moment I don't have the time because I'm still dealing with Jeff's health situation.  It's very true that there is quite a saturation of photographers (or those pursuing it, however good or bad they may be).  I don't want to get into the fact that everybody starts somewhere, and new have to come in to take over for old.  I will say that when those are coming into the industry sometimes (often) have very low prices, either because they feel they aren't worthy to charge professional rates, or they don't know that those rates are what they are because if you want to actually earn something in photography you have to charge those rates, and because of low rates consumers misjudge the value of photography.  It hurts photographers that are actually making a living on professional photography, those who want to make a living from photography, and it will ultimately hurt the consumer when their expectations are so skewed.  I have no desire to try to restart the fight of building a business to compete with that mentality, and keep up with all other photographer duties.  Right now I WANT to, and need be with my family.  I don't know when you'll stop seeing Lisa Bell Photography in places.  For now my website will be there, my Facebook page will sit, the blog will remain, and I still hold my business license.  I might be making a few changes, and updates from time to time, but as far as doing work it will be very few are far between. 

If you are a photographer, or pursuing photography, please join the PPA, and/or other professional photographers organizations, keep learning, and don't think you're ever good enough to stop learning.