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Curious Cows

7/02/2007 01:31:00 PM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category :

My backyard is basically a pasture. Today I saw the cows grazing quite closely to the fence, and I thought I'd snap a few photos. Every time I start to get close to the cows they usually run away, but they tend to be very curious, and will stare at me for a while....kinda creepy. When I go out to get the mail, often they will stop chewing, look up and stare. When I get in my car, or come home, if they are close by those cows will watch....very nosy. Sometimes I'll talk to the cows as I go about my business....small talk stuff...weather...seen any good movies lately...I let them know I won't eat them (vegetarian)...that sort of thing, and I don't know if I bore them or it calms them down or what, but usually they return back to their task of chewing. After they get used to you they will come closer, but I didn't wait around today.