Judy & Matt - Greenville, SC Wedding Photographer
Okay, let's put it out there...Judy and Matt aren't the typical age of most of the wedding couples that I have. (Just so you know, they aren't the oldest couple who's wedding I've photographed.) They prove age is just a number. Truthfully, this was one of the sweetest weddings I've been to. I had a feeling it would be from the moment I first talked to Judy (this is her first marriage by the way). These two have been so close to meeting so many times, but it wasn't meant to be then. They grew up less than a mile apart in New York, went to the same elementary school, and on and on. I loved hearing her enthusiasm for Matt. I loved seeing how excited she got when she talked about being his wife. I couldn't help but to be happy for them...hearing her made my heart smile. Jeff and I met Judy at the Commerce Club in Greenville several weeks ago to get a feel of the venue, and he saw the same happiness I did. My poor hubby was/is sick so he didn't get to second shoot with me, but I had my awesome friend, Regan from Fototales help me out.