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Project 52-week 40: A Taste for Vintage (Bonus-week 39 too)

10/07/2011 08:20:00 PM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category : ,

Okay....so I'm a little behind here.  It's been madness in this household these last few weeks....or at least it feels like it.  We've been neck deep in doctor appointments for Jeff.  He's finally starting to feel better, and I'm certainly thankful!  It's been difficult to do everything almost alone because he's too dizzy and nauseous to move.
Let's move on to Project 52.  Last week the theme was Man vs. Nature.  I just didn't have time to set down and really think about it.  I thought of taking a picture of round-up, but never got to it.  Last week was the first week I've strayed from the theme, which is technically allowed.  My photo was Puppies, Puppies Everywhere.  I don't know why Ada loves dogs so much.  We don't have one, she's not around one, but she latches onto anything canine.  Her favorite is Cleo the purple poodle, but pretty much any doggy will get a hug.  When she does come in contact with real dogs she's cautious (for which I'm glad), but she has a big grin on her face.  I couldn't help but to snap this when I saw it last week....my girl surrounded by her puppy dogs.

This week's theme was a Taste for Vintage.  I would've really loved to go outside of my house, but again...time constraints wouldn't allow for that.  This one features Ada in my mom's little red rocking chair from her childhood.  I think she probably has had this since she was at least Ada's age, which would put it at 70 years old.  Before we had Ada I used it as a photography prop.  When I kept my best friend's son, Luke, he staked claim to it as he propped his feet on the window seal and watched the road crew widen highway 72.  Now it's Ada's.  The little straw seat was in bad shape, and my grandmother covered it in matching red fabric.  I've thought about having the seat redone....I've also thought about covering it in a fun fabric and repainting it....but I'm torn as to which to do.  Oh....just so you know...Ada truly does have a taste for vintage...she's chewed on the back of the chair a little bit.