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Brenna & Westleigh - Greenville Wedding Photographer

4/15/2011 09:00:00 PM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category : , ,

Okay, this couple is awesome sauce!  Let's start with their names...uncommon and wonderful.  They are both runners (thanks for the tips, Westleigh!).  Brenna loves old movies (because they're the best).  Westleigh has superb glasses.  Brenna has the greatest hair.  Besides those things (and more), they picked Paris as their honeymoon destination.  See...awesome!  Their wedding was to be a big, beautiful wedding...then the bright and super idea hit....let's ditch the big affair, get married surround by family, and then go to Paris.  The bride got ready in the house her great grandfather built, and grandmother was born in.  Jeff and I loved the house, they could seriously charge admission because it could be a museum.  The church was where her grandparents got married.  I loved hearing here grandmother mention her wedding that took place years ago.

The flowers were beautiful and by Renee Burroughs Design

Not only was Brenna touched by the words, but she was also amazed that Westleigh typed on the card.

I love Katharine Hepburn...so this photo is as much for me as anybody.

The dress was gorgeous, and....wait for it....it had pockets!!!  I think every dress should have pockets.  The Perfect Dress really did have the perfect dress (yep, cheesy little line there, but it's true!)

Brenna is beyond lovely!!!  Gosh, I really love her hair! 

This is Blair, her sister....also beautiful!

Blair gave Brenna fun stuff for Brenna to watch/read while on the plane...complete with cute post-it messages.

Westleigh impressed Jeff with his knowledge of suits and their evolution.

During the ceremony Westleigh couldn't stop telling Brenna how pretty she was...
...isn't that sweet (and true)?!

We had a friend tag along.

Such a handsome and dapper gentleman 

No little Sebastian to be found (any Parks and Recreation fans?)

When I met with Brenna the first time, she was so excited to just be married...she's still excited!

All the Parisian details were perfect.  She walked into the ceremony to La Vie en Rose.

This was my first wedding since Ada.  Before being a mom the part of the wedding that always got me was the father giving the bride away (I'm a daddy's girl).  This time this got me...I got misty thinking one day Ada will get married and leave me.  Not that I don't want her to find a wonderful husband (like her daddy)...still that's my baby!

Brenna and Westleigh...you guys are wonderful, and I pray you have beautiful life in rosy hues!