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Project 52: week 15-what people think of you

4/16/2011 09:48:00 AM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category : ,

What an odd topic, and one that makes you think.  I don't know what everyone thinks of me.  I'm blessed enough to have some fabulous folks in my life that think I'm pretty great, I think they're great for seeing past all my imperfections to think that.  I'm sure there are people out there who think I'm crazy, think I'm annoying, think I'm just awful...and just generally can't stand me.  That stinks, but that's life...not everyone is going to like you.
Jeff and I officially begin our relationship January 25th...that's when he asked if I would just date him.  Umm...yeah....I don't see anyone else lined up to date me anyway, so buddy you're it.  That date was pretty close to the holy grail of dating dates...Valentine's day.  There was a dilemma...how big of a deal do we make out of this.  After all we'd only been together a short while.  We actually both ended up getting tickets for something...I got him Third Day tickets, he got me tickets to see To Kill A Mockingbird (my fav).  BUT the best thing was this list....now I'm going to be honest...Jeff and I really hit it off pretty quickly...if you take out the first couple of times we met and I thought I'd never see him again...it was obvious to both of us early on that us together was an awesome thing.  Still, it was early on, and even though I felt confident that this guy liked me, he had to go a be sweet and make a this list.  Partially because I love lists (which he didn't know at the time), but mainly because it kind of surprised me.  Five minutes earlier I'd just gotten to his house, We had just given our gifts, he said "but wait" walked into the office came out holding this little piece of paper, and told me that he really liked me, and that he couldn't stop thinking about me, and that here were some of the reasons why....  More than three years later (married with a beautiful baby) I hope he's added more reasons why he likes me...and by now the cloud of wonder when you first begin a relationship is gone...so there are things I do that annoy him too (let's keep that list to yourself Jeffrey ;) ).  But guess what...I still want to only date him....and I don't care who's lined up.