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Project 52: week 13-Just for Fun

3/31/2011 11:08:00 AM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category :

I am not a fashionista.  I don't really follow the trends.  However, when Jeff and I first started dating he said I didn't dress like a country, small town girl.  Apparently he thought we all dressed in overalls and plaid....he realizes that assumption was wrong now.  When we got engaged and started thinking about when our stuff would be combined, our closets scared us.  We did not need that many clothes.  We purged....not a lot, there's still more that can be done two and a half years later, but still we put a good dent in it.  We also decided to not buy any clothes until after our wedding, and only then if we really loved something or needed something.  We've pretty much stuck to that.  Of course I had to buy maternity clothes, and then after maternity clothes (it's not automatically the same girls).  If you've never been pregnant and worn maternity clothes let me tell you....stretchy pants spoil you.  I can totally see why some moms go into stretchy stuff never to return to a normal waistband.  Now I never thought I'd do leggings....seriously never.  BUT...after Ada I did.  They turned out to look better than I thought on me...and quite frankly there for a while after Ada I just didn't care how I looked so much....plus, stretchy.  So lets talk about boots now.  For the past few years I've enjoyed them quite a bit...love the look.  I was never brave enough to wear them with skinny jeans.  This year I thought I'd try it, but the ones I tried weren't skinny enough to fit into my boots properly.  So I went where I NEVER thought I would.  I laughed at these when they came out, rolled my eyes, thought that anyone who wore them were just trying to be to trendy for their own good.  However, I bought jeggings...yep, that's right.  I don't really want to repeat myself, but I will...I'm the owner of jeggings.  I know, I know....please stop laughing at me.  But people come on...they're stretchy, they look like skinny jeans (as long as you don't get them super tight), and they fit into my boots.

I have to include a quote from Betty White on Hot in Cleveland (which is hilarious!):  Jane Leeves' character asked: "What's up with old people and track suits?"  Betty White's character: "In your 20s you dress for men, in your 40s you dress for career, in your 80s you dress for the bathroom."
Okay, so I'm not dressing for the bathroom yet, but these do make it more convenient.

So here...just for fun...jeggings.