Harmony Clean Flat Responsive WordPress Blog Theme


3/30/2011 10:21:00 PM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category :

The fab photogs skipped the challenge last week, which is easy to do with everyone getting so busy.  Wheels were the theme of the week.  I went no further than our unfurnished dining room for this one.  Jeff is a man of many projects.  He decides he's going to do something and he does it.  However, sometimes projects are started out of boredom, and they don't always get completed when more pressing things come up.  Remember the snow that made us all stay inside for a week?  Well, about that time this project was started.  I can't tell you how many videos were watched on this.  So...the weather warmed up and here it still sits waiting to be completed.  It does slightly work...but here you go...Jeff's magnetic generator.