The Corders-Upstate SC Family Photographer
This is one of the sweetest families you could meet. I met them years ago at Lake Russell Baptist Church, my home church. I think their oldest son, Andy, was not much older than Ada at the time. You may recall I did portraits of Andy last year. I mentioned in that blog post how awesome he is, and his brothers are no different. That's because they've had some good raising! Let me just tell you...Jim and Sonya are talented folks. They have their own business designing monuments. I'm amazed every time I see their work. I went on a mission trip with Sonya a few years ago, and we were designing a flyer for a party we were having at the church, and she drew a spot on picture of the church in what seemed like minutes. Jim makes these awesome bird houses made from found materials. On top of being great parents, and quite artistic they are athletic too. Yep, Jim has won several frisbee golf championships, and Sonya could out walk anybody! Oh, and Sonya is opening a store soon (November 25th) called Dessie B's Country Store. We did this session at the John Dela Howe barn in McCormick County. We got to see some farm animals while we were there....some little chicks, and a massive pig. Andy's little boy came along to the session, and had me laughing at the end of the session. After seeing the pig, he smiled as he said 'pig poop' for each much funnier than cheese!