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Project 52-week 25: Crave

6/24/2011 10:19:00 AM Lisa Bell Milde 1 Comments Category : ,

What?  Week 25 already!  We are almost halfway through another year people...it's nuts!  Nuts, I tell ya!

Okay...CRAVE!  Oh, so many things do I crave.  Honestly, I have a problem with it...we (society as a whole) crave too much stuff.  We don't need it, but we want it.  The marketers have done their job.  I don't NEED to completely re-do my kitchen, but, man, do I WANT to.  I know that sometimes my focus is on what I want way more than it should be, and I'm working on it.  We should appreciate what we have, and our cravings should be directed on making us more of what we should be.  Jeff and I have talked about this a lot over the last year.  We recently studied the book of Phillipians in our Sunday School class.  We talked about joy in Christ.  One major thing that seems to take our focus off our life with Christ is worry.  I'm not really a big worrier.  I'm certainly not worrying over that one day kitchen remodel that I wrote of earlier.  However, focusing on our earthly cravings sort of does the same thing that worry does...puts our focus on things that are worldly.  Our countertops do not really matter, but our life in Christ does.  So as I try to move my cravings more toward my relationship with Him, I'm still human.
My craving photo this week is of one of my new loves...Pinterest (Thanks, Charlotte, for introducing me to this addiction).  It's a sort of online bulletin board where you can "pin" photos/items that you see online.  You create boards that you will pin stuff to.  A few of mine are: Gardening, Sewing, Ada fun, For the home, random things that strike my fancy.  So the things you see that you crave/like/want to make you pin them, and you create a virtual idea board.  Honestly, it can be a good tool.  So, sure...I know I should probably use my time wiser (see above), but really I crave a quite, rainy afternoon (probably an empty house), a cup of coffee, and a few hours to surf the net to find lovely, craveable things to pin.