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Project 52: week 17-Princess for a Day

4/29/2011 10:22:00 AM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category : ,

In honor...or rather honour of the royal wedding this week, the theme was Princess for a Day.  When I saw the theme it reminded me of my wedding day.  Our sweet little nephew, who was three at the time, was our ring bearer.  During our group photos he looked up at me and asked, "Are you a princess?"  It was not prompted at all...totally his idea.  Boy, he knows how to make a girl feel good about herself!  Of course, it was a special day, and I did feel a little stately in my big ol' white dress.  I hope all brides do feel special on their wedding day.  I don't have a bride portrait to share, though.  I have my own little princess now.  This is a photo that Jeff did of Ada and I on Easter.  She's my little sweetheart!!