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Two weeks of challenges

3/01/2011 07:50:00 PM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category :

The photographers' challenge (by the way from the group below who were portraitized (a new word I just made up)) for the last two weeks have been mailbox and food...respectively.
I begin with food...because it's so yummy!  This is a sight that may not surprise you if you know of the venture that Jeff and I began last year.  Well, it's not food yet....but it will be. We try to eat all organic food. Food without all the pesticides, fertilizers, chemicals, and hormones are so much better for you. Plus, you really can taste a difference. Problem is it's so expensive. Last year we started our own organic garden. We do raised beds. Last year I started everything from seed, minus a Japanese eggplant and jalapeno pepper. We learned a lot from our first season. We skipped Fall gardening since Ada's arrival was around the start of it. We have two new boxes for this summer, and planning is well under way of what to grow.

Okay, now to step it back a week.  Mailbox.  Oh, this was a little challenging.  Doesn't sound like it would be, does it?  Well, I live in an area surrounded by neighborhoods.  With that comes many, many monotonous mailboxes.  Our neighborhood has a nice scrolly (another new word) mailbox.  I happen to like it....however, the scroll is also the support for the box, and well...it's turned out to be not very supportive for us.  Our mailbox has fallen off on two different occasions.  There's not much we can do about it (no replacement to be found)...the material it is can't be welded.  After a couple of attempts at using some stuff that should work but didn't Jeff did what you see in the photo below...screwed in together.  It is quite delicate, and although has been together for over a year now, it's very unsteady.  I thought if it finally fell, although a pain in the rear, it would be a great shot.  It didn't.  Here's a shot of it after we brought Ada home....the green and flowers make me ready for the color that summer time brings.

However, it's still standing...so I had to search for an interesting one.  I came upon this set.  It's from a neighborhood that's likely seen better days....but it does offer interesting mailbox shots.