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Elephantshoe revisited-The barn

2/28/2011 01:19:00 PM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category : ,

When Jeff visited Calhoun Falls for the first time, right at the beginning of our courtship, I told him to bring along his camera.  I knew of a spot I'd never photographer, and I thought it would be fun to go.  That place was Calhoun Mill.  An old abandoned mill that sat at creek in pasture.  I didn't know who owned the land, but figured they wouldn't mind if we snapped a few photos.  So we pulled up to the fence, and immediately Jeff noticed a no trespassing sign.  "Should we really go in there?"  I didn't see it as any sort of obstacle, on it we went.  We did several there, and as we were about to leave a truck rolled by....and then came back in reverse.  uh-oh.  Well, it was a deputy from McCormick county.  Our cameras out, it was evident what we were doing.  He asked if the owners knew we were there....to which we told the truth.  Then he told us to be careful...and gave us a couple of other places to check out.  Jeff was quickly relieved....he thought we'd be arrested on the spot.  Well, this was the side of a barn at the site.

And a few of Ada from yesterday because she's so cute.  I couldn't resist taking a few quick ones.  Notice she's wearing an elephant.