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Project 52: week 9-Express Yourself

3/03/2011 09:53:00 PM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category :

If you look down the list on the about me page, you'll find a little tidbit about red shoes.  I don't know exactly when I became fascinated with the red shoes.  I may have had a pair as a kid, but the first pair I remember were a red Pumas in college, but they've long since have been gone.  I had this awesome pair of red Nike running shoes that were run to death...although they may still be somewhere at my parents' house...cause they were the coolest!  When I decided to gather all the red shoes I have and take a picture I didn't know there would be so many now...but I still feel I need more.  A little something about each:  The clogs: now used for outside work, flats: fun, what I wore in my engagement portraits (come to think of it, I'm pretty sure I had them on when Jeff proposed), Keen sandals: comfy, flip-flops: wore them at the reception of my wedding, never wear them now, heels: the shoes I wore for our wedding, I love these, I couldn't wait to show them to Jeff-he laughed, Keen sneakers: comfy (well, they're Keens), I wore them the second time I met Jeff (there were some awkward moments), he said "those are red shoes" (I thought "oh boy, here's a smart one").  I think partly the reason I'm such a sucker for red shoes now was that obvious observation made by my Jeff, which we laugh at now.  I can't wait to buy Ada some red shoes...when she keeps shoes...or socks for that matter....on her feet.  Ahh...anyone up for a little shoe shopping?