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Christmas 60+ years ago

12/03/2007 12:04:00 AM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category :

Well, this is not at all a creative picture, but it's a picture of something pretty unique, or at least unique to me. In all the cleaning out of my grandma's house, as I've shared, we've found pretty much everything you can think of. In one of the kitchen cabinets, and why it was there I could never tell you, we found this little sewing machine that belonged to my mom and aunt when they were girls. From what they remember it actually worked, and still would to some extent although there's no needle. It's a hand controlled contraption....made in Germany--British Zone. From 1945-1949 Germany was occupied by the Allies for administration purposes. The British Zone was the Northwestern part of the country. Although, Berlin was also split into four parts; I'm guessing that this was made in the Northwestern part. The painting on it is very quintessential German folk style...I believe called Tole paint (but perhaps this refers to all folk art decorative painting). So...since this was mom's & Linda's and it was made on the years of 45-49...I'm guessing it would've been in closer to 45...they said they probably received it for Christmas. They felt truly blessed to get a toy---one toy, not 20 for each kid. They also used to always get a bag filled with fruit (orange, tangerine, apple, banana, and if they were really good some walnuts or pecans). Sort of makes all the guitar hero stuff, ipods, and GPS devices seems a little indulgent, doesn't it?