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Project 52-week 32: Favorite time of the Day

8/12/2011 09:27:00 AM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category : ,

I love so many parts of the day.  I get to spend most of my days with my two favorite people, Jeff and Ada.   Ada's smile greeting me each morning is a favorite moment.  Jeff usually sleeps about 30 minutes longer than Ada and I, and she loves to wake her daddy up...she claps and marches back and forth with excited babble, and that's a favorite moment for us.  Getting to be silly, dorky, and laugh constantly with Jeff throughout the day contains many favorite moments.  Holding Ada before her afternoon nap is a favorite time...sometimes I even fall asleep with her.  Laughing with Ada in the bathtub is a favorite time, which goes right into another favorite, rocking her to sleep at night.  Then comes a favorite time, which is pictured below....Jeff and I get to watch TV.  Earlier this year we started using the little nook in our bedroom to watch television.  We sit there with our snacks, and watch whatever is the current series we're going through on netflix (at the moment it's Jericho).  A little bit of a time lapse thing here.