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Garden Update

5/14/2010 03:55:00 PM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category :

Everything is going pretty well with our garden thus far. All the plants are doing really well, with the exception of the few that were planted in inferior dirt. Everything was grown from seeds except a jalapeno, Japanese eggplant, a couple of the herbs, and flowers. Our boxes contain a mixture of regular top soil, black kow, mushroom compost,soil conditioner, and black hen, which were all purchased from Lowe's. The pots contain the same mixture minus the conditioner and hen, but purchased from Home Depot. The HD dirt looks dry all the time (even minutes after watering), it's much lighter in color, and is hard as a rock. The Lowe's dirt is black and fluffy. The seeds planted in the pots grow very, very slowly (hardly any to speak of), and the plants are turning yellow. Next week I will be replacing the dirt in the pots, and getting plants to replace the seeds that should be much bigger than they are. We've also added a compost bin and asparagus box since the last pictures.