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Wendy's Dance Academy

5/27/2009 01:42:00 PM Lisa Bell Milde 1 Comments Category :

Things have been very busy for us lately. We moved into our new house the beginning of May. We've been painting, lugging boxes and furniture, arranging. There' still plenty of things to be put in their proper location, but we'll eventually get there. In the meantime, I've been to Calhoun Falls to take prom pictures for CFPCS, Gainesville to take pictures of the EHMS banquet, and my favorite Wendy's Dance Academy in Abbeville, SC.

I love doing the pictures of WDA. Each year it's so fun to see the girls all decked out in their recital costumes, and to see the enthusiasm they have. It's funny to watch the little ones stare in the mirror while they are waiting for their turn for pictures. Those costumes are great, who could blame them for being excited to be wearing them...afterall, they've been waiting all year to wear them, and perform. Wendy and Sommer are absolutely fabulous. They are great with posing the girls, and keeping them in line. Here's some of the pictures from this year. These are a little smaller than normal because I haven't had time to resize.