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missed one

7/19/2007 11:16:00 PM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category :

So I missed yesterday...sorry, but there's two today.

My grandma grew up during the depression, and if you know people from that era, you know they don't waste anything and save everything. Sometimes these seemingly disposable items come in handy. We have VBS coming up at church next week, and we needed some mold for hand print stepping stones....so of course there's something at grandma's old house. Foil pie tins will do the trick.

I feel just awful about this next one. While washing off my house and carport area today I went to clean out a birds nest from one of the nooks in the carport and after I'd pulled it out realized there were two eggs in it. So the momma bird probably won't come back now. What's worse is last year I pulled one out--much earlier in the season--only to discover some little hatchings. I put it back hoping that they would be taken care of. I did some research online, and read that human disturbances to nests often don't result in abandonment....that's actually a myth. So the momma bird came back, and I was happy. She was up there throughout the days. About two weeks later I decided to take a peek....sadness set in as I saw three tiny dried up bodies. Momma bird had pulled the little babies out onto the ledge beside the nest...the hot metal ledge, where I'm sure the little ones were scorched to death.

Also--just to clear my conscience--while backing my car out today I discovered that earlier as I was pulling the car in I ran over a frog. Dead frog crushed under my tire on the cement. Didn't take a picture of that. Why do I keep killing animals---I'm a vegetarian for Pete's sake.