Project MCP: August 2012
The Olympics seemed to be the inspiration behind the theme choices this month. Here I sit August 30th, and it seems like forever since they were on. I myself enjoyed watching the running (particularly the marathons), cycling, and women's soccer. So onto the August challenges...
Challenge #1--Repetition. The gigantic elephant ear in our backyard. It amazes me at how big it is, and I love when the sun shines through, and you see all the veins.
Also, some of my race bibs. I hang them beside my treadmill after I've completed the race. Just so you know I've signed up for the Spinx Half Marathon in October, so training for that is coming along. I'm excited for the race. I'll be even more excited to have finished the race. I got to tell you the training kind of stinks. Not that it's the worst....I mean there are longer races out there. I just feel I can't miss a single day that I have marked to run....which is pretty much how it goes. Quite different from races of shorter distances. And...I have the appetite of a 14 year old boy. I feel like I'm hungry all the time. My's not like I'm adding tons of distance per week. Still I'm hungry....grrr! With full month in September (including a vacation, which was built into the training schedule) it's hard some days. In the end I'll be glad I stuck with it. We'll see then if I'll consider another one day.