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Project 52-week 30:Letter of the Alphabet

7/29/2011 02:07:00 PM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category : ,

Finally.  So if you saw the last blog you know we were awaiting our Prius....fully expecting it would be later this month or September, we weren't holding our breath we'd get it soon, but we were able to pick it up yesterday.  People, you don't know how happy I am about this...my butt is especially happy.  You see, as stated before carseats don't do well in Mustangs, so we were left to drive Jeff's truck, which is a Tacoma with an extended cab...not double cab with backseats...extended...like hard barely there seats.  We didn't want to have payments for our car, which is why we didn't get a Prius 11 months ago.  So since Ada was born I've been sitting in the back of that truck...I had a pillow, but that didn't make it much easier.  The carseat in the back meant the passenger seat was basically useless because it had to be pushed up so far.  It's been very much a pain in the rear for us to go anywhere as a family...trips out of town were almost nonexistent....shopping for much of anything was hard because we have no where to store items inside.  The price of gas makes us thrilled with the 50 mpg this gets...if you work it you can push out of a gallon...google it (something called pulse and glide).  I could probably tell you more about it, but maybe another day.  Plus, one of the incentives for buying now...they threw in an iPad 2.

Praise the Lord...the Prius is here!