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Project 52-week 27: Nature's Finest

7/09/2011 10:30:00 AM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category : , ,

Honestly, my goal of really, REALLY participating in Project 52 haven't worked so well here lately.  All too often I find myself Friday morning hoping that something I've snapped during the week fits the theme.  It's sometimes hard to take time to intentionally look for a great photo opportunity in line with the theme when you have a lot on your plate.  What have we been up too?  Well, in between the last couple of sentences I took a break from this post and laid the fourth load of pine straw in our backyard.  Whew!  We started on a backyard project in February, and it's just now finishing up.  Hopefully I can blog about that soon.  Besides that we've had our veggie garden, little house projects, work stuff, regular life stuff, and a walking baby to deal with.  Ada is growing like a weed!  She took her first steps and nine and a half months, and now she's going pretty good, into everything, and so much fun.  So thinking about nature's finest...well, I posted a picture from our garden last week, and didn't really want to do that again.  I thought since there wasn't really anything in our yard that was individually, super duper, stand out in a crowd kinda thing I thought maybe just a picture of Ada in the yard would suffice.  So we wondered around the yard, and came up with this.  This was taken in the side area of our house (this area has been featured on the blog before: one example).  When we moved in a couple of years ago, this was an area that had poor drainage and poor looking grass, so we came up with this idea for this little garden area.  Shortly after we finished one of our neighborhood kids told us we had it looking like a paradise...so we call it the paradise.  I'm proud to report that Ada did not eat on of the pebbles from the pathway.  Isn't my girl fabulous?!