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Project 52: week 12-From the Jewelry Box

3/24/2011 08:39:00 PM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category :

This was the easiest yet.  I knew exactly the piece of jewelry I would photograph....my grandma's high school ring.  I never knew her not to wear it.  My mom took it off her finger when she was in the nursing home because it got caught on the bed when they were moving her once...better safe than sorry.  My grandma....who's name was Etoyle (yep, it's different) was SO proud of what this ring symbolized.  She was the oldest of five children, and she had to help quite a bit around the house between the kids and farm. She was the first in her family to finish high school.  She told me time after time about the ring...it is made of yellow gold, white gold, and rose gold.  There was once a 'B' on top, which stood for Bowman High School, but at some point got knocked off.  I believe that my aunt has the 'B'...hopefully I'll be able to get that one day and have it reattached.  My grandma graduated in 1936; she died in 2006.  The last several years seemed like she was already gone because of her condition.  She couldn't talk because of a stroke, and didn't always know us because of Alzheimer's....but I remember so many times before then...how she would have doll parades with me, tell me bedtime stories while she tickled my back, let me play dress up with whatever I found, and give me all the ice cream I wanted.  I still miss my grandma...I know she would have absolutely loved Ada, and Ada would've had a super time with her too.

my grandparents:  Etoyle and S.T. McGarity