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Elephantshoe revisited-hmm...what is it?

3/21/2011 08:39:00 PM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category : , ,

This is one of Jeff's.  He took it when he was still in college, where he studied graphic design.  For a time he had a bit of a graphic design business, it was small.  He hardly ever does work now for folks who's last name isn't Milde.  Anyway...it was called Milde Ink, and it had a website that included some of his photography.  During one of our online chats we were showing off some of our photography through our websites, and this one stopped me.  What was it?  It looked like some sort of alien aircraft, but that couldn't be right.  Ahh....then it hit me.  Do you know what it is?

The answer is: guitar.

Also...just so you know there's an awesome new exclusive discount for my facebook fans....30% off a session.  You can only get the code if you like my page (the code is on my exclusive page).