Project 52: week 7-Open Your Heart
I didn't give a thought to this week's project until last night, and that's when I had a thought. My Jeff...Oh, how I love him! If you've read my about me section you may remember we met on Facebook (there's a part of me that still cringes at that). I was so scared to even think about meeting anyone online, which happens all the time. One of my best friends met her husband that way, a cousin met his wife that way...and they are happy, yet it freaked me out a little. So when I received a message from some random guy I thought...oh great, facebook is turning into myspace. For a while I was so hesitant about Jeff, and yet I had prayed for a long time for God to send me someone. God definitely opened up my heart to Jeff...I do so love that boy! So this is what I came up with:
BUT.....that's not my photo this week. After Jeff and I were married we really struggled finding a church. I LOVED my church, Lake Russell Baptist (Elberton, GA)! I can't say enough about the folks there, so I'm not even going to start to explain the love you feel when you are there. We decided that to really be involved in a church an hour and a half a way, we would miss a lot of activity. Especially when we had a child, we wanted them to go to every activity possible, and that sort of drive would make it tough. Jeff had been in the Singles class at Brushy Creek Baptist, and loved that. I had gone with him a couple of times, and they were really awesome! Our status was about to change from single, so we went to a newlywed class, and while we enjoyed the teachers and members, we felt a little out of place since we were a few years older than most. So a few months after we were married we started searching. We went to several churches, and met some great people, but nothing quite had that home feeling. Something was pulling us back to BCBC. We decided to try a different class with members closer to our age, and we found a great one right away. Last year the church did 40 days of community. It's a Rick Warren study that focuses on working together as Christians to do the work set out for us by God, stating with our small groups (Sunday School class), and then within our church. I think this study really helped solidify our class. It's terribly sad, but sometimes within churches there isn't that sense of community there should be, our humanness gets in the way and animosity, competition, anger's heartbreaking. This year we are doing this study again, it's changed slightly, but it's still the same meaning. It's so great when Christians can open their heart to each other and be better together!