I'm not big on new year's resolutions. I think because for the most part they are things that people know they should've done a long time ago, and so few people actually follow through to make them the lifestyle changes that they know they should be. Plus, why wait? I know you shouldn't have had that fourth piece of cake on Christmas Eve...why add more to the thing you have a goal to overcome (weight issues or eating healthy). There are a couple of things that I've committed to that seemed to coincide with the first of the year. One being becoming a vegetarian. I'd actually had pretty much stopped eating meat in the months before, but that new year's eve I had my last hamburger. Another thing was it happens I'd just graduated from college and had nothing to do for a while, so started walking, which led to running and thus my becoming a runner. Well, I was not a meat eater for over eight years. It just so happened that cooking two meals (one for a gluten-free meat eater) was just too much of a pain. I have had a few set backs with the running the last three years. Jeff says...go ahead and blame it on him. Well, it sort of was his fault. I had no time to run while I was back and forth dating him, then planning a wedding, then moving, getting used to married life, moving again, being pregnant (horrible nausea). All along there were starts to try to make it routine, but something came up, and I must say I'm thankful for the things that took me away from it for a while. The last few months we've talked about a few things that we'd like to incorporate more into our lives. One is growing more of our own food. We've sort done the organic eating thing for the last year or so. Growing it ourselves allows us to know exactly what goes into our food, and also is a big money saver. If our HOA would let us we'd have chickens...ahhh, but I'm not on the farm anymore. Another for me is running consistently again. For the last couple of months I've been working my way up to it again. It's exciting to me because running was a great time for me to think and plan and just be by myself, and now that time is more important than ever. What's even more great is knowing that I can't put it on hold. I have a 5k to run in May for the Hannas.
Anyway...I wish you a very happy new year, and if you do make resolutions I hope you have the determination and drive to stick to them!