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Andy-Greenville Portrait Photographer

11/18/2010 07:46:00 PM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category :

Andy is awesome!  Seriously.  Great athlete, smart guy, sweet, loving husband and father, good son, just all around nice guy....the list could continue, but we'll stop it there because any more and you'll feel bad about yourself.  Besides being a wonderful  young man (yep, crossing off that young cause he's all grown up), I'm pretty sure he can't take a bad picture.  I can't tell you how much Jeff and I enjoyed hanging out and walking around Greenville with him.  He wanted to try out the modeling thing a bit, and I must admit, he kind of has a model knack about him.  Did I mention He CAN'T take a bad picture!
Okay, so there's a lot of these (see before sentence)...Jeff picked his favorites and I picked mine...they did intertwine a bit, but anyway: