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Reviving the blog

5/06/2008 08:06:00 AM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category :

Yes, it's been a few weeks since new pictures...sorry.

This week at Lake Russell Baptist we are having a revival, and not just your run of the mill revival, but a good old fashioned tent revival. I remember when I was in first grade we had one at Northside. I don't remember too much beyond the fact it was hot, but still fun...I suppose the novelty of going to church in a tent really appealed to the six year old Lisa Bell. Over the years there have been a few around town, and I recall going to one about ten years ago. So back to this one...we started planning and praying about the Reap the Harvest revival at the first of the year, and now it's on. Sunday we had youth night....free pizza--bet you're sad you missed that one. Crossway Community church's youth group did their thing that night. Last night we were joined by Honea Path Friendship. Tonight we will have Pleasant Grove Baptist to lead the praise time. Wednesday Harris Baptist Praise Team is going to rock the tent. Both tonight and Wednesday will feature those ever entertaining puppets....who knows what they are going to do. Anyway, if you can come join us---on Bobby Brown State Park Rd....Elberton, GA....7:00pm.