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My Orange

2/08/2008 01:15:00 PM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category :

So Wednesday I went to Ingles to pick up a few things, included in the few things were oranges. Boy, what massive oranges they had that day. Grapefruit size, in fact. But I thought...you know just saying grapefruit size is so generic. Sure, it's an easy way to compare. One can say something is grapefruit size, and most people can picture the size...still slightly boring. So I thought I'd take a few pictures of of one of these said oranges beside a few things to help with perspective. The first is just a picture of my orange by itself...alone looking like an ordinary orange.

Next beside a pecan:

Now a quarter:

Now beside a ceramic chicken salt shaker....not that you know how big the chicken is, but I just wanted to work the chicken in:

Now a jelly bean, which I ate after this shot:

An Aqufina bottle--16.9 oz I believe:

Now in front of my face...ahh...a portrait of me and my orange:

Oh no, the orange now has a personality, and is visiting France apparently:

The orange also dabbles in photography:

My orange is sending a text message:

My orange is editing a few pictures:

Now my orange is taking a little break to catch up on the latest issue of Runner's World...what shoes with my orange choose? Most likely something with neutral cushioning, which helps that underpronation of the foot fall:

What is to become of my orange you may ask....well, I plan on a snack in about an hour or so. I think the orange will be involved. I would post pictures of that, but it could get a little graphic once that peel comes off, and I don't want to offend anyone...minors in particular. So have a great day, pick up some citrus fruit, and have fun!