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Photo day-Hendersonville, NC

2/20/2010 05:54:00 PM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category :

It's been a while since our last photo day. Mainly because one of Jeff's works busy times towards the end of the year, and it's just now starting to slow a bit. Today was just too pretty of a day to be inside...there's no way I could stand it. I was actually hoping that a friend would come up today so I could do their family pictures, but work and sick children did not allow that. So we decided to head somewhere for the day, and see what we could find. We ended up in Hendersonville. We stayed on the main, main downtown street, which, funny enough, is Main Street. We couldn't resist going into the shops, antique stores a plenty...and you know I enjoy a good antique store. Of course we had to eat lunch while we were there as well. We stumble upon Never Blue, it was yummy. We actually didn't take that many pictures. Nevertheless, here are a few of my favorites from the day:

My favorite of the day

I enjoy a good column

This is for Jeff...you know that guy loves Coke. As the ad says, it relieves fatigue and exhaustion.