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Impromptu baking

2/12/2010 05:44:00 PM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category :

I never bake....I mean hardly ever. I used to love to bake. Several things have happened to hinder my baking. The first thing was loosing weight and being healthy. For those of you who don't know about 13 years ago or so I was about 70 pounds heavier, as the weight loss continued, the health thing started. I got really strict...hardly ever did I stray. (Now I've learned to not be so hard on myself--occasionally it's okay to indulge.) Another thing that happened, my dad found out his ticker needed some care. He had a major blockage that was repaired with a stint...and buddy you think I was strict with my diet. David Bell was military commander strict. (He's also learned to live a little.) Anyway, the health thing made things challenging. I tried all kinds of low-fat, sugar-free, good for you baked goods. Some of them were yummy, some...eh. Then I met Jeff. Oh dear...now we have to add gluten-free to the mix. Have you ever baked something gluten-free. Now the world is adapting offering more gluten-free choices, but they aren't all good. The recipes from scratch usually use a multitude of ingredients...xanthan gum, potato starch, rice flour, soy flour, garbanzo bean flour.... Then there are the mixes, some are good, some are gross, some leave you with baked goods that resemble bricks. It's a tricky science. There's a great place in Greenville that does a super, super job baking gluten-free stuff, Coffee to a Tea. We actually had lunch there today. I'll have to blog more about them sometime. For some reason the notion struck me to bake today. I used a mix...Namaste Gluten-free...it's decent.

Also, it's snowing. I know there are places that are sick, sick, sick of snow, but this is South Carolina. Snow doesn't happen that often. Yes, people freak out here. I can't count the facebook status messages that have to do with snow today. This falling white stuff is a rarity here. The forecast calls for more during this evening into tonight. I'm hoping tomorrow holds a beautiful white landscape for me to have a little fun with my camera. Until then here's a sad little shot from our back door.