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Story of the last year...or so.

8/10/2009 03:23:00 PM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category :

This blog was started in 2007 just for fun. It didn't really relate to my photography business much, although it was a picture blog. The goal was for me to photograph something everyday. That worked for a while, I didn't blog everyday, but at least it was regular. Then the end of that year held a surprise, I met Jeff. We met right before Christmas, which is busy in everyone's life, and a photographer typically has quite a busy schedule around that time. It was in January of 2008 when we officially started dating. We knew pretty quick that our relationship was meant to be. In June we were engaged, and November married...quick, huh! Life is great!
So what has that meant for this blog, and my photography business. Well, I started doing photography (and getting paid for it) at the end of 2004. I worked on location at different places in Calhoun Falls (my hometown) and Abbeville. In October of 2005 I opened my studio. In 2006 I started doing weddings. Weddings were fun! I realized quickly that I'd love to do more. I didn't really promote myself too much outside of Calhoun Falls. I was the hometown photographer. I enjoyed doing photography for folks I'd known my whole life. When Jeff and I were dating, and started talking about marriage, I sort of put photography on a back burner. It's not that I didn't love it, it was just hard to promote a business when I knew my life would be going in a new direction. Last year I did a few things here and there, with the hope of starting promoting my photography more in the new area I'm living--Greenville. Well, surprise, in the Spring of this year Jeff and I bought a bigger house. We started looking in March, April was filled with paperwork and planning, we closed on April 30th, and started moving the next day. Jeff and I took on all the work ourselves. We ended up painting almost the whole house. We moved almost every piece of furniture alone. Unpacked, arranged, etc. That was just the inside. We ended up ripping out all the shrubs in front, and completely redoing the landscaping, plus we added a little garden area on the side. We worked pretty much everyday for several weeks. There's always something new to do in that arena...after all we still have an empty back yard, but that can wait. My camera is calling my name. I'll be doing the Wedding Festivals bridal show in September. I'm ordering albums and samples, thinking of ways to make my booth all snazzy. It's going to be fun! I really would love to get some work up this way. I've done a couple of session downtown, and boy it that a good place to take photos.

So that's sort of a wrap up of why this blog is seemingly empty the past several months--well, a lot of blogging has been done on my other blog (originally started for the wedding). As of this year I've also been using it to showcase sessions and weddings, as well as interesting stuff I see. Here's hoping it will be updated more frequently with lots of fun photographs that everyone will enjoy!