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Tiger Squash

6/27/2007 02:13:00 PM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category :

Tiger squash? What is that? Well, apparently there is such a thing...it's a specialty produce, but that's not what these pictures are.
The first two are of a tiger lily at my parent's house. The first shot is the typical full frame, and the second is a side view, which reminds me of a frilly dress and layers of tulle.

Now the third picture is a wonderfully hand painted road side sign. It is, as you see, advertising squash, which is grown locally--right here in Calhoun Falls, and quite tasty too. Here's what the owner's have to say:

"We've got fresh, Calhoun Falls - grown squash for sale!
We're currently harvesting mostly yellow crookneck and some zucchini, and it's going for 80 cents per pound. To get your squash, call us at 391-2994 or 992-8238, or you can stop by on Seneca St. Ext. (you'll see the sign)... It doesn't get much fresher than this! With a little rain and the Good Lord's help, we hope to have some sweet corn soon, too."