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Project MCP - September

10/02/2012 03:45:00 PM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category : , , ,

The challenge for September lay at the outer edge of my brain for the entire month.  I knew it was there, but didn't know what it was.  I looked at the topics early in the month, then went about my picture taking as if they didn't exist.  We had a lot on our plate.  We started the month with Ada's birthday, and our nephew's birthday as well.  The morning of the first we went downtown to do Ada's official two-year old pictures.  It was a very informal session because Ada is not a formal girl.  I just let her be herself, and tried to capture her spunky personality.

This one is when she was yelling at one of many runners...GO, GO, GO!  She's a motivator.

Here are a few from her garden themed party:

Just to give you a print size perspective...that's a 11x14 print wrap

Her party was the 8th, and I just took these down yesterday....busy or slacker...I don't know.  They will soon hang in Ada's room.

Not all of the eyes are perfect, but still cute.

The petals are cut up marshmallows...which I always think should be spelled marshmellows...anyway....not that hard to make.  Yep, I made these.

She got a bike-a-cycle!

I did wind up with some photos that fit the themes of September.  

Challenge #1: Back to School.
Well, not back to school exactly, but first day at Mom's Morning Out.  Whew!  We were rushed, and this sad looking picture was the best I could hope for with a fussy, tantrum over socks, two-year-old, running late on the first day.  Who even knows where my flash was bounced from....obviously incorrectly.  She was smiling...so yay...okay, halfway...I'll take it!

Our month was also filled with the bridal show, and a much needed vacation to Pigeon Forge.  We haven't been anywhere since I was pregnant with Ada.  In fact, we'd just found out we would be having a girl....so two and a half years.  We had lots of fun!  Ada was so fun!  Here's another take on this Challenge.

My two favorite people watching a school of fish.

Challenge #2: Teach or Teacher
I made a color chart for Ada.  She's doing pretty well with her colors.  Pink is by far the best color she thinks.

Challenge #3: Signs of Fall or Challenge #4: Fall color theme.
You can pick either.  Friday we went to get some pumpkins.  Ada is quite obsessed with pumpkins these days.  We had been to Jeff's parents' house the night before, where pumpkins were already out, adding some touches of fall.  As we left she started screaming for Ada's pumpkin.  And we heard about it all the way home.  So she was super excited when she saw a field full of them.  She tried to pick up every single pumpkin I do believe.  We wound up with several so now our house is looking festive for fall.  Ada's picked the little pumpkin for herself.