MCP Project 12: LOVE/LEAP
A little more than four years ago I was a single girl in a small town surrounded by awesome friends and family. I was happy. Pretty much all of my friends were married. I didn't know if that would necessarily happen for me. It really wasn't something I was actively searching for. There weren't many guys that seemed compatible for me. I had friends that would mention a guy that they thought would be a good fit, but nothing ever seemed to come to fruition. While I didn't know what was in store for me, I did hope to one day find someone, and I did pray every night that if God had someone out there for me he would put him in my path, and open my eyes and heart to him. Then out of the blue some guy sent me a message on facebook (yes, I know...facebook...gee!). I was not so sure at first if Jeff was the guy for me. In fact, after the second time we met I said I'll never see that guy again. God had sent me the guy, then, along with what I prayed, he opened my heart. That took some doing for someone so unsure that I wanted to be part of a couple. Well, long story short, a year after that first message Jeff and I were married. For someone who had been a happy single whole life...yes, whole was a change, but a great change. It seemed more than right. Now I don't want to get to mushy, or gross you out. BUT... Jeff is so much a part of me. I can not imagine what life would be without him. He's my best friend. We have an unusual arrangement since we both work from home, so we spend pretty much all day with each other. A huge change from the only child, single girl. Yes, I do enjoy alone time every now and again, or time out with friends, and I'm sure Jeff does too. I am so thankful for him, I'm so thankful that I took what seemed like a gigantic leap for me. Now there's not only Jeff to love, but our super awesome Ada too. Goodness, what would I ever do without those two.