Project 52-week 33: Slow down and look back
Well, if this isn't an appropriate topic for this week. I remember as a kid adults would always talk about how time passed so quickly...and ugh...I was SO tired of hearing how not to rush things. As cliched as it is, in my 20s I realized it was true. I think each year seems to pass more quickly now. This week school started for so many. I watched Wednesday as countless first day photos were being posted on facebook. Many of the kids I remember as babies. My two best friends have sons who started third grade this year. WHAT?! I was there when they were born....and it doesn't seem like eight years has gone by. These two precious boys should still be walking around in john-johns and be into Thomas the train.
This time last year I was pregnant, and anxiously awaiting Ada's arrival. Here I am two weeks from my sweet girl's first birthday. I've always thought it was silly for mamas to get so emotional when their children's birthday came around, but I totally understand now. I love, love, love watching Ada grow, and learn new things. It's crazy exciting to see her to accomplish something. Too, it's my baby....and she's never going to be this age again. I wish I could freeze time. I wish we had cameras all over the house recording her every move, so when she's 30 I can sit down and get a chance to watch her take her first steps again. She's so awesome! I try to take in as much of her as I can. Sure, sometimes mommy needs time to do non-Ada things, and yes, I do get frustrated sometimes when she pulls at me every second of the day, but man, do I love my girl. I miss those evenings when I can't rock her to sleep myself....because I know when she's 14 she probably won't let me do that. This year with her has been challenging, crazy, and tiring, but joy-filled, fun, and full of love. I hope that even in years to come, as life gets busier, and things more hectic, that we can always take time to slow down, enjoy the moment that we're in, soak it in, so when we do take time to look back we have as many wonderful moments as we can.