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The Spring Festival 5k

5/16/2011 08:49:00 AM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category : ,

I've been talking about this event for months, and if you weren't there you missed some fun!  This was the run to benefit my friends for the adoption of their little girl from Russia.  They had 123 that registered, and raised over $3300---YAY!  Let me just say again how much I love this family, and how blessed this little girl is, who we don't even know yet, but are so excited to meet.  The Milde household got up early that morning--a little before 5am....partly because that's the time we had to get up and partly because teething issues woke us about 15 minutes too early.  We got to Abbeville a little before the race, and got to hang out with our friends a bit.  I didn't know how I was going to do.  When I first heard about this event, I wanted to finish in under 30 minutes (no problem back in my regular running days).  I didn't really start consistently running until about 3 weeks before...other things would hinder some weeks.  So I was quite happily surprised when I finished in 27:38...not too bad for the training I did.  Still, I'm more excited about how well this 5k went overall.  I do know that there's a bluegrass event coming up sometime to raise money for the Hannas too.....I'll be letting you know about that.  In the meantime check out Morgan's blog: Confessions of a Church Planter's Wife.  There you can buy t-shirts, coffee, or just donate for their cause.

 Morgan and the lovely Campbell

Jeff not being into running was amazed at the top finishers time...a bit more that 17 minutes.

There's April (in pink)...one of the wonderful aunts of the Hanna babies.

Gosh...not the best look...but I'm looking at my Ada sitting in her stroller hanging out with daddy during the race.

My friend pushed this during the 5k...whoa buddy....she's brave!

My Jeff....tired after an early morning and a long drive.