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Project 52: week 10-Childhood Toys

3/11/2011 10:01:00 AM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category : ,

I would have loved to have a picture of Purple Bear, my trusty friend that went through much of my life with me, but alas Purple Bear is in storage at Calhoun Falls.  I remember playing, and playing, and playing when I was little.  Toys, toys, toys.  Now so many toys seem to be the plug-in variety...ugh!  Where's the imagination in that?  Ada has just now learned to entertain herself for longer than five minutes.  She enjoys her toys, which her main goal is to put in her mouth.  Every morning she hangs out in her little activity center, where she can swivel to find a fun sun, a cloud, a twirlly thing, and music buttons.  She plays there while mommy makes breakfast and eats.  Then after Ada has her breakfast of fruit and formula (she says yuck to cereal), we read books and play on the quilt until time for her morning nap.  Fun, fun, fun!