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Merry Christmas!

12/22/2010 04:14:00 PM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category :

A year ago we were about to bust with excitement.  I had just found out I was pregnant.  The first to find out was my parents on Christmas Eve (then Jeff's parents later that evening).  In both instances we begin by talking about our Christmas card, and made a small mention of how the next one would be a little different since we'd have another person on it.  I think it took both sets of parents a couple of seconds to figure it out, and of course they were excited too.  So fast forward to this year when it's time to come up with a Christmas card.  We had a couple of ideas for the card design, we just had to get the photo done.  So Thanksgiving we wondered downtown, set up the tripod, got the self timer going, and hoped for the best.  The best we did not get.  A bit difficult to get a three month old to look at a camera without someone behind it doing something to grab her attention.  The next Friday we headed downtown once again with a different idea in mind.  We took about three shots, and Yay, we had it.  The first is what we came up with for the front of our card.  The following pictures are our first tries.  There were about 10 of Jeff and I looking at the camera, and Ada looking away, and at least one of my rear rushing to join in the picture. "Oh, I know.  Let's put our faces all together."  Yeah, Ada seems thrilled with that.  After that, she pretty much just lost it.  Jeff did manage to get a few of me and my girl, though.

Anyway, I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!