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Father's Day Flamingo Fun!

6/15/2008 07:40:00 PM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category :

So today because of having to do wedding stuff I'm not getting to spend it with my dad, but I did call and talk to him.

Jeff and I came up with an idea for his dad last month. Now he's very particular about his yard....Jeff is too, which works out well cause I'll always have a nice lawn. We Calhoun Falls folk...for the most part anyway...don't put that much effort in our yards--cut it, make sure there's not too many weeds, occasionally fertilize. Heaven knows if you live in a place where you get the town water you couldn't afford to pay the bill if you even thought about watering your grass. I think that puts a damper on many yards that would look lush and green otherwise. It's sort of like why buy all the stuff and spend all the time working to having nice grass if from June to October it's going to die because lack of water, and November to May be brown because of cold....you'd get one month at most. So anyways back to the Milde's yard. Their house is in a neighborhood which I'm sure has rules about this sort of thing....and even if not it's not something you'd expect to see. Jeff and I snuck over last night and gave his dad some yard art.

As you can see they don't really fit, but they sure do add a splash of color.