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Stuff from Grandma's

11/03/2007 07:24:00 PM Lisa Bell Milde 0 Comments Category :

My grandma died almost two years ago. She'd been away from the house for several years before that. We have taken a few things from her house overs the years, but for the last two weekends we've REALLY been cleaning it out. Grandma saved everything. She lived through the Great Depression, and obviously learned then to never throw anything away, which makes for a ton of stuff to go through, but also interesting finds. Today we found a box under the house that had probably been there well over 50 years. Most of the contents were baby things of my mom, aunt, but mostly my uncle.
Uncle Danny's baby sweater:

This, I have to say, was a pretty cool find....Danny's Davy Crockett costume...complete with coonskin cap.

I think he added this

And well...what trip to Grandma's would be complete if you didn't find a mouse skeleton? This would have been perfect for a Halloween blog....but enjoy it now.